Northfield Yoga Hikes

Imagine meeting a group of community members in town at the new community wellness space, The Sanctuary, for a mindful outdoor experience, hiking together as a community group through the town forest, breathing in fresh air, becoming one with the trees while you share in connection with new community members and maybe even some good friends, stopping throughout our hike for guided gentle yoga poses surrounding by beautiful whispering trees, feeling the warm sun and cool wind on your face, smiling as you feel connecting to Mother Earth, and joyfully hiking back down to town to enjoy a post-hike beverage or meal from our amazing local restaurants if you choose!

Join us one Saturday/month in July through October from 9:00am-11:30am for a Yoga Hike leaving from The Sanctuary OR Shaw Outdoor Center depending on the date. These heart-centered offerings are open to all community members on the following dates:

  • Saturday, October 12th (Rain Date: Sunday, October 13th)

    • Theme: Fall Foliage and Indigenous Peoples Day

    • Meeting Location: Shaw Outdoor Center

Please note: Each hike will be approximately 3 miles round-trip, and we will move steadily (about 30 minutes/mile) with lots of breaks and mindful pauses. It will be a steeper incline at times especially from town up to the forest. Yoga poses will be offered for all levels. There are aspects of the mindful outdoor experience where all participants will be asked to be silent to more deeply connect with nature. Please only register if you agree to this request.

This is a FREE community event sponsored by the Northfield VOREC grant! Please register in advance below as there are limited spots for each session, and please be sure to cancel at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to attend in order to open spots for those who would like to attend. Thank you! Details for participants will be sent out at least 48 hours in advance. If there is a chance of rainy weather, participants will be notified of the status of the yoga hike via email by 7am the morning of the event. Unfortunately, no dogs are allowed.

Questions? Please email Tara at